VIE provides grant writing services, benefit cost analysis, and grant management for public and private sector projects. VIE also assists clients in other aspects of project funding, such as serving as an advocate for public funds for land acquisition and facility construction. FEMA utilizes grants as a principle funding mechanism to be awarded to eligible projects from the state to the non-profit level, such as critical recovery initiatives in pre or post emergency projects.
About Our Grant Strategy
VIE Engineers actively researches the status of grant programs as a part of our business. We view this as an integral part of the service we provide. Grant programs are available for public and private sector projects. Successful grant writing can mean the difference between a project moving forward or being delayed or canceled.
VIE believes that all aspects of a project should be studied to determine if grant funds may be available. For example, grant funds may be available for project aspects beyond natural hazard mitigation. Such instances include: funding for improved environmental efficiency, funding for project related equipment, or architectural modernization of facilities. Funding sources have included FEMA, the US Bureau of Reclamation, EPA, and State Governments.
Grant Writing
VIE has served as the primary entity for writing grant requests. VIE often writes the entire grants using the required grant submission process and software. For example, VIE has submitted grants using e-grants and software and procedures.
Throughout the grant development process, VIE carefully coordinates client grant writing goals, client-preferred project execution goals, and schedule and budget limitations of its clients. If specific expert consultants are needed, VIE coordinates grant development with these consultants.
Grant Writing Examples
Weber Basin Water Conservancy District
Role: Grant Writer
Multiple Grants for FEMA PDM and HMGP Hazard Reduction Programs. VIE developed all grant text required by grants, including many complex documentation requirements. VIE performed all benefit cost analyses using FEMA’s BCA software.
Murray School District
Role: Grant Writer
VIE prepared multiple successful grants for FEMA’s PDM and HMGP program to both fund the District’s multihazard mitigation plan, as well as fund the seismic retrofit of the Riverview Junior High Complex.
Kays Creek Irrigation Company
Role: Grant Writer
VIE developed two successful waterSMART grants for the Kays Creek Irrigation company to fund piping of open canals and to replace old diversion facilities.
Heber City
Role: Grant Writer
This project included a seismic retrofit of a police station/admin building. VIE developed the entire grant, including performing the BCA analysis.
Benefit Cost Analyses (BCA’s)
Benefit-cost analysis determines the future risk reduction benefits of hazard mitigation projects compared to its costs. These are required as basic eligibility requirements for all hazard mitigation projects in order to demonstrate that proposed hazard mitigation projects will be an astute use of public funds. BCA is complex, as it must be done for each item and include loss of revenue estimates by item.
VIE is very familiar with benefit cost analysis methods required by governmental entities. VIE performs all required BCA’s using current required software. For example, FEMA BCA software for scenario specific natural hazard events is performed by VIE.
Grant Management
VIE can and has provided complete grant management services from negotiation of the final contract with the funding entity, to grant performance (e.g. analysis and design), financial management with engineers and contractors, payment requests and payment receipt by funding entities, and final grant closeout.
Successful Grant History
VIE’s win rate for grant applications exceeds 90%. A representative list of recent successful grants is provided to illustrate the success of this approach is included in Figure 1, below.
This listing is only a partial summary of the more recent grants. VIE has also assisted agencies prior to 2011 in winning FEMA, DHS, and USBOR grants totaling over $5,000,000. If needed, VIE can provide more project information for this work.